People with somatization disorder can show many different symptoms. These symptoms typically last for several years. The symptoms are not based on a specific physical cause. The result of medical tests in individuals with somatization disorder cannot normally be clarified. These people often feel anxious about their health. Not knowing what causes health problems is the biggest reason for this situation. The symptoms may be similar to other diseases. People with somatization disorder have to undergo vary evaluations and tests to be sure they do not have other diseases.
Symptoms of Somatization Disorder
Symptoms of somatization disorder are often felt headaches, back pain, and abdominal cramping. Other symptoms are seen in the joints. Pain in the legs and arms or abdominal pain are also symptoms seen in the joint. It can also cause stomach and intestinal problems such as nausea, bleeding, vomiting and inability to eat. It can also cause any infection to appear.
It is not known exactly reasons to cause this disorder. In some cases, there may be problems with the nerves that send pain, pressure and negative feelings to the brain. It is certain that the pains and problems caused by this ailment are real. Generally, this ailment is seen in families and can pass over time.
Treatment of Somatization Disorder
The purpose of the treatments is to reduce pain and other symptoms of the person and to maintain more normal life conditions as much as possible. Although there is no known cure, it is possible to cope with this ailment with professional help.
Doctors can prescribe medication for specific and disturbing symptoms. In most cases, medication is not needed. The most important part of the treatment is regular check-ups. It is necessary to carry out health checks periodically. Although your symptoms continue to show themselves, it is good to know that it is difficult to treat.
As a result of the physical examination and examinations, it is a disorder with many physical complaints that cannot be explained by an organic reason, so people with the disorder feel anxiety. It seems that this ailment is mostly found in women. There are estimates that it is more in societies with low socio-economic level, those who live in rural areas and in eastern countries. The etiology of somtization disorder is not completely known. However, according to classical psychoanaltic theory, internal conflicts and anxieties are integrated with somatic dysfunction. The patient receives more attention due to symptoms. In this way, they may get rid of unpleasant responsibilities.
Somatization disorder is considered as a psychiatric disorder that includes physical symptoms. In order for a person to be able to determine this condition, it must be confirmed that he is affected by various negativities in work, school or social life. It is seen that people with this disorder experience various complaints in their bodies and organs. However, it is a fact that these problems do not have enough effect to reduce the quality of life.