Panic attack is a symptom, panic disorder is a disease.
Panic attack occurs with sudden severe physical symptoms when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attack can be thought of as a fear attack. Panic attack is extremely frightening at the time of the attack, and the survivor thinks he has a heart attack and will soon die. Most of the people experience panic attacks several times in their life. However, if this situation constantly recurs and affects the quality of life, it would be more accurate to talk about panic disorder.
Panic attack is a name given to a disorder of acting and thinking under the influence of a sudden and regular feeling of “panic” or “fear”. Almost everyone may feel anxiety or panic at certain times, and it is quite natural to experience these feelings. These feelings are the most natural and human responses that can be given to tense, stressful or dangerous situations, but for an individual who is confronted with panic disorder, anxiety, worry, panic and especially stressful situations repeat regularly and negatively affect the individual’s life comfort. Moreover, attacks may occur at ordinary moments, rather than for an apparent reason in general.
If we talk about panic disorder, it is a mental illness and it is in direct relation with panic attack. Panic attacks that recur at unexpected times are anxiety and worries about when these attacks will recur. Due to the symptoms observed during the attacks the person feels dying and is anxious to be harmed, not being able to adapt to life.
What are the Symptoms of Panic Attacks?
Palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating and tremors, feeling of breathlessness, chest pains, feeling of pressure, nausea and abdominal pain, fainting, feeling as if to die and numbness are the most common problems seen in panic attack symptoms.
It is not clear when, where and how the panic attack will occur. Not knowing when it will occur can cause greater fear and anxiety. It can reach the highest level within 10 minutes. It generally ends after 15 minutes and relaxes the person. However, it should not be forgotten that panic attacks can be seen even during sleep. It has been observed that panic attacks, which are considered as a part of anxiety disorder, are more common in women compared to men.
After experiencing panic attacks, the person may have difficulty in getting rid of this negative experience for a long time. As a result, individuals may have a constant feeling of dread. In parallel with this, being in a state of panic at any moment and experiencing the fear of having a panic attack is called panic disorder.
Causes of Panic Attack
It is possible to talk about genetic factors in the causes of panic attacks. The drugs and carbon dioxide are seen within the scope of their chemical effect in the emergence of panic attacks. The region called locus coeruleus (blue dot) in the brain stem functions to separate a stimulus coming to the brain as dangerous or non-dangerous. It may be inevitable that a state of fear and panic attack occurs due to the fact that this blue zone does not fulfill its duty properly. Panic attack can be seen as a side effect of the use of antidepressant drugs and especially in the first order of this use. Substances and beverages such as caffeine, cigarettes, drugs or alcohol can cause an increase in the frequency of panic attacks. Panic attacks may occur if people who use sedatives suddenly stop using medications. As a result of rapid breathing, panic attacks can be mentioned. Sexual attacks and divorces are also among the reasons that predispose to panic attacks.
It is obvious that serious deterioration in life conditions can be seen in these cases that are not treated. There may be situations such as fear of driving, fear of leaving home, inability to be in social environments, difficulty in adapting at work and schools, moments of depression and other psychiatric problems, suicidality, and unfortunately these situations will prevent you from enjoying life and having a good life comfort. In order not to be affected by such situations that may affect sociability and daily life, it would be more appropriate to enter the treatment process in time. Because panic attack is not a disease that can be underestimated and ignored. It should be addressed and treatment should be sought for recovery.
Panic Attacks in Children
Panic and panic attack disorder can be seen more frequently in adolescents and young people. However, coping with panic attacks can be extremely difficult, especially in children and young people. In cases of advanced panic disorder, difficulties can be seen in development and learning. An absolute professional help should be sought for individuals who show panic attack symptoms. It may be possible to eliminate symtoms with professional help. The child’s medical history is reviewed, and then an examination is performed to see if the symptoms have any physical cause. Since this examination will be comprehensive, it is more comfortable to reach a clear conclusion.
Screening of anxiety disorders is a must in order to understand what causes panic and panic attack disorders in children. It can even be referred to a specialist suitable for treatment.
Panic and Panic Attack Causes
As with many other mental illnesses, the exact cause of panic disorder is often not clearly understood. However, this situation is generally thought to occur as a result of trauma or during a stressful period.
In case of panic attack, the disturbed person faces different physical and mental symptoms. Symptoms like these can occur quite quickly for no apparent reason. Panic attacks can be extremely frightening and disturbing for the person.
Some of the symptoms of panic attack are frequently observed in societies. It is possible to give examples of these symptoms such as sudden and frequent toilet need, fever, dizziness, feeling faint, feeling of suffocation, fear of dying, trembling, chest pain, feeling of having a heart attack, rapid heartbeat etc.